Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Difference Between Acrylic Vspolyester Blanket

Hair Removal How It Works

For with hot wax hair removal must first be heated, the wax carefully so as it melts.

hot melt wax over a radiator cover

  • remove the container thus put on the heater that it is safe to wait until the
  • wax melted completely and the consistency of honey is added

hot wax in a pot melt with hot water

  • Remove cover
  • water in the pot, fill no higher than the wax in the container
  • water to a boil
  • growth do not boil should the wax : container so in the water, that the
  • wax
  • does not come with the water in contact wait until the
  • wax
  • completely to a creamy consistency (like honey) melted Attention and the water in the pot must not melt completely evaporate

hot wax on the electric stove (Not recommended)

  • Remove cover
  • wax cylinders (only metal containers, never try KunsstoffbehÀltern) onto the hot plate set
  • lowest setting choose to wait
  • until the wax completely creamy with a consistency melted (like honey)
  • is respect: the wax not cook


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