Friday, March 4, 2011

Mera Naa Joker Hot Scene


... It is Friday. A week ago I was sitting around hibbelnd with excitement and I've got to move on while I was totally nervous.
Today, 7 days later, I'm just .. completed. It was really exhausting, and I had now for weeks, no more stress-free day. The weeks before the move was constantly painted and worked with us, I have to move in front of the working hours for the free MO purely working and the move itself was a huge effort. Since then I race course as the stung around and grow with my friend different stuff and try somehow to the box to find your way chaos.
It takes seehr slowly taking shape now, the most important furniture are now roughly even at their destination, and some cases have already been addressed and sorted. But normalcy is dependent otherwise ;-)
Our washing machine is not connected because we lack such a connection part we get tomorrow and that means that the laundry pile increase steadily. Even songwriter relatively dirty, because I obviously do not have large plaster until everything is finished as far as times.
I'm looking so amazing on it, sometimes to be finally finished, and then on a day when I have absolutely NOTHING to do. I will not sleep tomorrow to rush out of bed because I'm so busy that I did not lie to rest. I just want time hang out again. ;-) Next week's will be yet, but when I turn stop then maybe next weekend ...
Anyway, I'm now only just again the internet can tell me that is "officially" back to you until I will be back regularly blog's but probably a little take ...

And now the Friday Filler :
first It smells hand cream, because since the move I packed my hands every day throughout much of it in the hope that the "cracks" heal better then.
second Actually many of the chaos in the apartment grad logical, but I hate that!
third As I have done it so many cookbooks to accumulate over the years when I never use? (Chris is still the will to continue living there still!)
4th That it now but as soon March, and all major changes have now been completed first I would never have dreamed of.
5th I'm looking forward to a finished decorated and spotless cleaned apartment.
6th My broken knee is unfortunately a bit offended by the many work-related stairs up and down.
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to .. the shoe closet to build the last boards finally disappear , tomorrow I have a lot of boxes to unpack and buy different stuff planned and Sunday I would like clean and only a little to rest !

And now I'll get back to work ... nice weekend everyone!


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