Friday, February 18, 2011

Anime And Hentia Free Streaming

Freitagsfüller 18.02.11

flies Currently, the only time along, even though I actually read every Friday to Friday filler .. Until recently, the work weeks have drawn ever forever, but now that I feel much better the days go by faster. In addition, of course, that every day was what to do. Monday I painted the bedroom, on Tuesday baked the cake for my friend (photo coming tomorrow * g *), on Wednesday was a little visit there, and yesterday ... I am pleased to bed at 19h. Yes, no kidding, I've slept really truly 11 hours. I was just so dead that I no longer really could. But well, tomorrow then I sleep again enough power for the weekend.
This week I "have also managed to regularly blogging ahead, but as of now is probably close .. Pending the cake is still current post office, a nail polish post, and in theory I still have what mny and p2 from the LE test, a part of each .. actually everything should be done fairly quickly, but I can not even estimate how the days ..

I'd still like to thank all my regular readers, it's totally fun as much feedback to Get is also wenns mal ne different opinion (I only say Mascara * G *). So as I said, I write as regularly as possible, but if you ever read anything you know why :-) I date but it will at least regularly, I promise!

And now the Friday Filler:

first It seems like yesterday that I gemotzt about my old job and apartment.
second It might even be quietly Easter, I would not mind.
third When has actually finally asparagus season again, I'd Have on it right meal!
4th In the work I see every day a blue heron outside my window.
5th My gut I'm already hurting for 2 days (Moving nervous?) And I find it interesting how aptly the Friday Filler is sometimes.
6th Oh my God, the last week begins on Monday at the home * * aaahh!
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a massage , tomorrow I have planned to emphasize living and Sunday I would like to pack a lot of boxes !

you a nice weekend! =)


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