Friday, February 25, 2011

Menchies Is Using Which Register


There he is, the Friday procession in front of ...
My goodness, I'm already totally flat .. This week I worked every day 1-2 hours longer by the MO "free to work," and hardly arrived home we went with a rush of packing and a variety of work on. Posts are always created in the intervals between, for example, during lunch or so ... Right, "free time" where I could just sit down and do nothing now is no more in gabs .. I'm looking forward very much on it anyway, if that's all over, and I just can sleep or sip a nice cup of coffee!

If self-generating for the next days I'll still vorbasteln a few posts, I do not know when I'll have internet again. Currently I doubt not that I do come, but maybe I can not sleep for sheer excitement? ;-)

Now comes but first the Friday Filler :
first Actually, it would be nice if would come at last spring, and this weekend would not be the perfect time, na?
second That I'm so nervous that my stomach is going crazy, and just because of the (eh well planned and structured!) move is actually pretty ridiculous.
third Last night, I'm dead tired fallen into bed after a total of 10.5 hours of work a few hours on the job and work at home.
4th This week my dad had his 60th Birthday, but I was so far away.
5th I could never again live in a distance relationship, I think.
6th I'd have to prepare the most delicious things - especially fish dishes, which I do not even hammer out - if I had a cook.
7th As for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to way to pack all boxes tomorrow I (paint walls, break down large furniture, the first boxes to move) parade planned Part 1 and Sunday, I would like to evening the old furniture to large apartment on which they have cleared out!

Finally, a few pictures of our current apartment .. Permanent construction site, so to speak (something I can not suffer! Brummel * *)

is everywhere around Arbeitskram ...
boxes stacked up on all the walls ...
and I just hope that they do not collapse, the Leaning tower case ...
loggia landfill ...
only the cats are finding great -.-
Tibo has pointedly laid up on it and Cayleigh precaution has wrapped himself ever - not that we even forget them!

Sunday. wish me luck the next day * shaking * :-)


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