Saturday, February 26, 2011

Monster Mini Fridge For Sale

04.03.11 Auf geht's - Umzug ahoi!

Sun .. the race is on (though not with the alarm clock that has not rung and that is we have so sleepy, but what does not matter because the other assistant is not there yet eh * G *).

The assembled men will now have some of several things to build, while I paint as many walls in the new apartment ... And then it first on the boxes.

morning only to be towed comfortably the rest of cases, and Monday will be the last effort to carry large pieces of furniture, and rebuild the same evening.

Tonight I'm So the last time for the next few days sleeping in a bed :-)

Overall, I'm already all jittery and nervous, my stomach tells me constantly for days .. -.- And the cats are totally by the wind and nerves no end - of course, the halt did not understand what's going on.

Now I have to continue the same, I wanted to leave behind just quickly ne message before the PCs are then mapped out ... I'll post here whenever I'm mitm Schlepptop Internet updates by which you can see how maybe could come when the next logical post .. Habs that is unfortunately the last few days failed vorzubloggen.

26.2. 9:00 - Moving into the bathroom furniture are unscrewed; friend + buddy get food and drinks for all participants, Ulli blogging still fast * g *
26.2. 10:15 - Ulli chugs into the new apartment and begins to stroke work looks to again everything on the right, matching colors to get at the hardware store (now the kitchen is colorful - either frog or terra cotta, in a pinch, any blue - I know that is no longer looked like the work area has ...)

So, here's a subsequent update (yes we have internet again !!!):
2.26. The kitchen walls were red. Actually, they should be after careful consideration terracotta, but the color is dark red any more, and also a bitch beyond compare - I had to 3 layers of stress until it was approximately, opaque (not perfect!) And so I had just enough color for two walls * sigh * the rest was just white.
The existing wall color in the bedroom was painted over without problems the same, as are the other wall should also be white.
The men have been diligently carried crates and were therefore actually totally finished quickly.
total Saturday was exhausting, but amazingly smooth. Funny, somehow ...
2.27. for Sunday was hardly what to do, the boxes were all gone and the furniture had to wait until Monday. So was deleted hard. The bedroom got 2 great blue walls and the entire passage was deleted again knows about it.
exhausting, but schaffbar. I was skeptical ... Hm
2.28. The great chaos. :-( While there is nothing in the "big ones" went wrong, but thousands of details. This maybe later.
end wars but made it. Furniture was broken, was invited into the apartment and carried up (jippie 3rd floor without elevator * g *), the sun shone but somehow everything went really tough. Several things that we had worried at ebay ads (cabinets, fridge), we wanted to get well and had properly Delay, which we fortunately no one resents.
was now already built up the bed, I wanted to have a room ready, because before all the cats. Where we went on Sat then really bad, which were totally panicked and finished with the world .. :-( just sat still tense and trembling there, Cayleigh has puked and Tibo hackled ... distributed Have tons calming spray and rescue remedy given, and it was at some point fairly better ..
was Finally Moving in and where I feel angry with the landlord .. could
evening gabs then pizza for all, and so against 10 we fell into bed dead

Conclusion: I will not move so fast!


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